Cottage Renovation
Need help with updating the cottage?
Sit back, relax. Let us do the work of improving and maintaining your property.
Study nature. Love nature. Stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
One of our most popular requests is helping owners upgrade and update their ‘cottage’, ‘home by the lake’, ‘secret get away’, or what-ever it is you call it. Our cottages are no longer the run down leaky shacks our great grandparents built … we now have almost every luxury in paradise that we have in the city. Our cottages are so personal and upgrading what we have needs careful consideration for maintaining the history and blending with our surroundings while protecting our environment.
Whether you need ideas or have a clear vision of what you want, consider consulting with Artisan General Contracting first to see if our 42 years of experience can help you make it happen.
One call does it all for Additions, Remodels, Renovations, and More!